We have long serving highly experienced room managers at our nursery, who are supported by well qualified mature and younger staff. Every staff member brings their own special skills and talents to the nursery which creates a dynamic and friendly team.
Anisa, the nursery manager, is an early years teacher with a wealth of expertise and experience educating young children. Anisa is passionate about delivering the very highest level of childcare and Anisa works closely with the room managers and staff to make Ashdon Childrens Nursery an outstanding setting.
The nursery is a friendly, warm, homely environment where all children feel part of one big happy family. Staff inspire children to develop a love of learning through imaginative, creative planning linked to exciting and fun topics. The staff provide a friendly, encouraging and positive environment where children feel happy, confident and safe, all of which enable them to enjoy learning. The children feel valued, they are listened to and encouraged to follow their own interests and learning styles. The nursery has clear concise boundaries that children benefit from having, in preparation for school. Children are encouraged to behave well by taking turns, being sensitive to the needs of others, being polite, sharing, collaborating and building friendships with others to develop a mutual respect.
Our Ofsted report quoted that the teaching at Ashdon Childrens Nursery was “consistently of a very high quality throughout the nursery. The well qualified and dedicated team are highly responsive to children’s needs, the strong skills of all key persons ensure that children form exceptionally warm and caring bonds with them”.