We aim to provide children with as much first-hand experience as possible. Each week we have a dance coach, Spanish teacher, French teacher and two forest school sessions.
An example of some of our visits include; dragon dancing for Chinese New Year, fire engine, professional drummer, owls and kestrels, dental nurse, Father Christmas, reindeers, shetland ponies, reptile animal workshop, apple pressing workshop plus many more.
Each spring an incubator brings awe and wonder to the nursery as we watch either chicks or ducklings hatch. Every year we also have sports day, graduation and Christmas shows and parties.
Furthermore, on the nursery farm, we look after our own resident pets which include chickens, ducks and horses. The children are encouraged to learn about these animals and how to care for them. They will collect eggs, watch the ducks swim in water, put food out for the birds and learn how to groom a shetland pony.
You can see some pictures from our events by clicking on the button at the bottom of the page.